Diane Arbus was an important photographer of the 20th century. Her pictures are very intensive. She liked to take pictures of normal people, but she thought that persons have a mask, and the only people that has a real face are the disable people. So in her secon part of her career she took some interesting pictures of disable people. Anyways, all of that "portait" have an intensive sight. The picture glues you and you can feel the passion that she had to take this picture. I think she really wanna trasmit how is strong the power of the soul trow the eyes.
It wasn't so easy understand the real meaning of her pictures, but I think that looking at pictures with Chen was very usuful. Togheter we could understand a lot of things that without a discussion I shouldn't understand.
Since now I hadn't find too many problems but the most intersting thing and at same time the most hard thing has been to have a discussion about the pictures.
I think that one of the hardest part is understand the real meaning of the first part of her job, while she was taking pictures for magazine. I'm actually reading some articles but without a real respons. I hope that for the next thursday I will find something interesting :)
With this I'll come back at my presentation...hopfully ready in two days..